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Syntax 2023 DemoParty (Australia) : Online & IRL : Registration 2023

This info helps us schedule compo lengths, provide infrustructure, venue size, etc.


Handle (or name)

Country / State

The above information will be listed on the Syntax site in "whos coming"
Everything following this line is for our logistics.

Access: What's your planned involvment?

We look forward to seeing you online.

Entries: What compos would you consider entering? (tick boxes)

DEMO - Oldskooooool
DEMO - Nuskool
Wild Compo (strange hardware / anything goes)
Chip music (SID/Amiga/Atari/Gameboy/etc)
Tracked Music (Short or Tracked)
Graphics Compo
Remote graphics. Maybe streaming. Not coming IRL!
M8 Music Compo

Demo Group: Are you part of a demo group?

Have you been to a demo party before?

How far will you be travelling for Syntax?

Any requests? We can't promise everything but can try...

Provide an Email so we can send the exact address (1 week before)
FYI: This is a Syntax tradition. (Hint: tis 15 min North of City if this helps with travel plans.

(If you don't give us an email, make sure you know someone who's coming; so you can get details from them / get though the door. We don't give it out on discord.)

To prove you are not a robot please describe the picture above to the best of your abilility.

Thankyou! Your handle and state/country will be added to the list by clicking submit below.
None of the additional details will be published or made public.

It might take 10 sec or so to submit (please wait)
See you at the party!